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The Witching Hour Page 3
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We are going to twist the paper towel up again. Wait! Don’t do it yet. Don’t wad it. If you mushed it into a ball, I will bet, dimes to dollars, that you are stuck with something in your life that you are not happy about. So! Let’s twist that towel again, but this time, before you start, think about how you are feeling now. That mental position represents the end of the towel closest to you. Begin to twist the towel. Reflect on how you wish to be feeling in the future. More confident? Happier? Healthier? Continue to twist the towel until you are “feeling” that desired goal. Hold the good feeling for as long as you can. Now, put the towel down in front of you with that outermost end, the one with the good feels, pointed toward you. Notice that the towel will unfurl a little bit. This tells you that there will always be adjustments you didn’t think of in your quest for the better you. That’s okay. Life works out that way.
No. We are not done with the paper towel. Wipe your face with the towel. Get your sweat and skin cells on it, and as you are wiping your face, envision that same good feeling that you pushed into the paper towel.
Thank Spirit (or whatever you believe in) for the manifestation of your desire as if it has already occurred. Be grateful! Burn the paper towel.
No. We aren’t done yet.
Take a new paper towel. Wipe the paper towel on your face. Try not to crumple it up. Next, write or draw on the towel exactly what you want: again, happiness, joy, prosperity, whatever. Breathe on the paper towel; as you exhale, tease the towel with your energy. I am not kidding. Don’t push energy into the towel with your breath right away. With the first breath let the energy go a quarter of the way to the towel, and then draw it back when you inhale. Second breath, halfway to three-quarters, draw it back. Third breath, with as much dynamic visualization as you can (flames, sparkles, whatever makes you happy), push the energy into the words or drawing you put on that towel. See your words and design glowing with the energy you pushed into your work. Let the light sink into the design. You may see it actually vibrating, and you will think it is a trick of your eyes, but it isn’t a trick at all. Your senses are combining to “view” the impregnated working. Twist up the paper towel nice and tight. Start with where you are, and turn your thoughts (or flip them—depends on your perception) to where you want to be, which should match the words or design you put on the paper towel. Hold this thought for as long as you can, breathing on the paper towel. When the thought leaves, stop breathing on the paper towel. Put it down and draw an equal-armed cross in the air over the towel. Burn the towel outdoors, thanking Spirit (or whatever you believe in) for your success.
Silly? Looks that way on the surface, doesn’t it?
Easy? Absolutely.
Does it work? Try it and find out.
The next step in this exercise would be to incorporate a magickal powder or herbal blend along with your favorite fluid condenser (see chapter four) in the working. But before we get to that, let’s talk about the field of potential all around you.
Working the Field: The Sea of Potential
(The Astral Plane and Vital Energy Bodies)
The information below represents the general sequence I use for nightly meditations as well as many magickal operations, including the formulation of magickal powders, oils, and herbal blends. It utilizes the sea of potential all around us, activating the network to all things on a spiritual level. Once you have memorized the technique, it can be done quickly and efficiently. Its success rests on the following three points:
The clear intent you have prepared ahead of time. For example, if you are concentrating on healing your pet or child or if you desire a new car or if you need food in the home, etc., write out specifically what you want before you begin so you don’t stumble over choices during the process. Be sure to always add “with harm to none,” as that is the highest road when working with the sea of potential and yields the better results. If you are in doubt when setting the intent, then a clear manifestation cannot be formed. Let’s say you want a red car—no, a blue one—wait…no…a truck! A truck would be better…stop! Or perhaps you want your ex-partner to go away…no! You want that person to fall in a toilet and never get out…wait… a big dump truck to smash ’em to smithereens! Yeah! Yes, I know you want revenge, but in the end, do you really want to pay for it? Again, stop. Think of the consequences. If you are filled with lots of anger or emotional pain, do a spiritual cleansing first, then proceed with a more positive outcome.
Believe that when you activate that sea of potential, what you desire will manifest. Know it!
Keep your mouth shut. Don’t tell the world you are doing magick for whatever reason you are doing it for. Be silent. You can blab about it after you are done.
If you use this as a meditation sequence, you can work on several different subjects at a time, so you may wish to fill out a 3x5 index card so you have it straight in your head what you will be working on. For example, healing for baby Jimmy who has a bad cold, a good job for Aunt Sally, that Harold receives his benefit check without delay, etc. I will tell you when, in the sequence, you can switch from one intent to the next. However, for the first week of using this technique, I would suggest sticking to one intent only until you are comfortable with the sequence.
Release All Worries, Fear, Negative Feelings, and Clutter from Your Mind. You can do this actively or mentally. Earlier in this chapter I gave you a simple mental release technique that you can incorporate here. If at all possible, never skip the release portion of this sequence or rush through it, as this sets the sea of potential for success or failure. You can release by breathing several times deeply and relaxing, welcoming pure white light into your mind by using the mental release technique or words that you truly mean from the heart. Sometimes, when we are very stressed, it is important to verbally acknowledge release: “I release all that does not serve my life path success” or “I release all feelings of fear, hatred, and sadness. I welcome peace in my heart, soul, and mind.” If you skip the release sequence, it is like making a cake in a dirty bowl that sat on the kitchen counter in the high heat of the summer for five days. Yeah. Gross. Some people call this act of release “clearing.” Whatever word you use to define it doesn’t matter; the act of doing it does! I often use chimes or bells as a clearing mechanism. To assist in the clearing process, you may prefer burning white sage, a specific resin like frankincense or copal, nag champa incense or another blend of your choice. Blessed water sprinkled on the back of the neck, where negativity tends to gather, can also be extremely helpful.
Recognize and Activate the Purity of the Sea of Potential by Casting a Magick Circle or Creating a Spirit Bubble. Visualize yourself surrounded by white or golden light. If you begin this sequence as a meditation, get comfortable and close your eyes. Don’t open them until the meditation is completed. If you are working magick, then you will most likely be in a ritual area, by your altar, or sitting at a kitchen table, prepared to do mental and physical activities. If casting a spell is the purpose, using candles, herbs, and oils, etc., have them ready on a surface from which you can easily work.
Cast the Circle. (For a meditation, this will be in your mind; for an alert working, you may wish to walk the circle clockwise three times while you intone the circle casting.) “I conjure thee, O circle of power, so that you will be for me a boundary between the world of men and the mighty ones, a meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace, and joy containing the power I will raise herein. I call upon the guardians of the east, the south, the west, and the north to aid me in this conjuration. In the name of the Lord and the Lady, thus do I conjure thee, O great circle of power! As above, so below; this circle is sealed!”
Or Do an Alternative Magick Circle. “Spirit before me, Spirit behind me, Spirit to the right of me, Spirit to the left of me, Spirit above me, and Spirit below me: bless this working and keep me safe. So mote it be.”
Note: You can replace the word Spirit
with any word you like: angels, Goddess, the particular name of a deity, etc. You can use one of the clearing, grounding, and centering techniques in my MindLight book, or you can recite a favorite prayer, psalm, poem, or verbal charm. Speaking aloud is best when performing spellwork that involves mental, emotional, and physical activity, as the words vibrate along the network of the sea of potential to bring you what you desire. It is not that your thoughts are not powerful enough so that you can work totally in silence—they actually are if you are focused enough—however, our minds are busy, busy, busy, and other thoughts can intrude just at the wrong moment. If you are stating aloud and vibrating the words with emotion, the working will be strong.
Over the years I have heard arguments that casting a circle is not necessary, and in some circumstances I would agree with that opinion; however, I am a “better safe than sorry” type of gal. When I cast that circle, whether by verbal conjuration or mental vision, I know that I have created a safe place to raise power, away from prying psychic eyes and anything else hanging around. I have erected an area free of debris so that I can have a successful working. To me, taking the few minutes to put up that circle is absolutely worth it. Besides, it’s good practice; you never know when you are going to have to conjure a circle in seconds. It can happen.
Seal your circle or bubble by saying “only the good remains” several times, and then draw an equal-armed cross in the air with your right thumb. You could add the blessing from my HedgeWitch book: “Peace with the gods, peace with nature, peace within; only the good remains.”
Personally Connect with the Sea of Potential. Take a deep breath and relax. Thank the universe for the good things in your life and bless those in your home. Then repeat “I am one with the universe” several times, allowing yourself to truly be one with the universe. If you don’t like this statement, choose another that appeals to you. Some people call this activity “blending,” where you let the edges of yourself go and allow your being to flow into the world around you until it touches your idea of the Supreme of the universe. Breathe deeply as you repeat the sentence in your mind several times. Do not stop until you absolutely feel one with the universe. You will feel something give way in yourself; a gentleness of Spirit washes over you. Sometimes you feel a light snap and everything is truly brighter than before. The more you practice, the less time it will take you to reach this quiet, peaceful still point. Some individuals feel a distinct shift in their inner being. You will know the change when it comes, as there is no other feeling like it: totally peaceful, absolutely serene. The last portion of the mental release technique given earlier walks right into your connection with the sea of potential.
Acknowledge Your Connection with the Field. “The sea of potential is around me. The sea of potential is in me. The sea of potential is around me, and I can do anything!” Repeat these statements several times until you feel the connection, which may manifest as inner strength, an acknowledgment of your power, a feeling of success, etc. Some people add a visualization of waves of energy lapping around them and through them; others see the sea as golden or white light that smoothly moves throughout and around their body. Others do well with a visualization of blue light electrical pulses. When you repeat the statements for the last time, add “I activate this sea for...” and then state your intent. Choose what wording flows from you and works for you.
To Heighten the Working, Gather Power from the World Around You. As you slowly breathe in and out, call the spirits of the elements at least three times for each element, which equates to three breaths per element. I begin by chanting the word one and then, when I feel ready, I call “spirits of earth,” followed by “spirits of air,” “spirits of fire,” and “spirits of water.” I then continue to chant the word one until I feel that all are present. An old Basque Witch once said, “Always use the world around you,” and I never forgot it.
Next, Connect
For Meditation: State specifically what you wish to be true, with harm to none. Then repeat the statement as you breathe slowly in and slowly out. You are breathing in the energy, lighting it with your thought of what you desire, and then sending it back out into the universe. Think of it like the setup of a volleyball shot: the ball of energy comes toward you, you catch it, you make the ball into what you want it to be, and then you breathe out the visualization into the universe to manifest. Do this as long as you are comfortable. The more you practice, the longer you will be able to hold the thought; however, I have learned that holding the thought for a significant length of time isn’t really necessary as long as you do not allow any doubts or other thoughts to interfere with the process. If you do, just repeat this part over again. One person I know likes to activate the outgoing visualization with lightning bolts. Another individual feels their hands start to tingle and get hot. Use what works for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment. For example, “I know that Connie Arber is healed” or “I know that I have a fantastic new job that is right for me” or “I am joyful that Jacob now owns a new car!” If you have more than one person on your list that you are working for, now is the time to switch to the next item or person on the list. Close the meditation with your original acknowledgment of your connection to the field: “The sea of potential is around me. The sea of potential is in me. The sea of potential is around me, and I can do anything! So mote it be!”
Note: While practicing this meditation you can hold a crystal, a talisman, etc. Complete the meditation by opening your eyes and breathing deeply. If you cast a magick circle, say something like, “This circle is open but never broken. So mote it be.”
For Magick: Begin the working, such as grinding and mixing an herb formula, empowering a candle, etc. As you work, state explicitly and succinctly what you wish to accomplish. Feel free to use a favorite chant or rhyme, or listen to a drumming tape—whatever makes you feel empowered. I like the Heathen chant found in my book To Light a Sacred Flame: “May the web of the wyrrd be turned in accordance with my wish and my will.” Once your materials are ready, it is time to empower them, and we will do it the same way as we do the meditation. The difference here is that you will hold your hands palms toward the physical item, such as the dressed candle, or over the bowl of herbs, or holding a talisman in both hands. You can also hold a wand, your ritual athame, or whatever you use to direct power if you so desire. If I am doing banishing work, I use a pair of black-handled scissors. Yes. It absolutely works.
As with the meditation, it is time to repeat the statement of the desired conclusion you have prepared as you breathe slowly in and slowly out. This statement represents your intent. You are breathing in the energy, lighting it with your thought of what you desire, and then sending it back out into the universe. Tease the object twice before you flood it with energy the third time. See the energy in your mind move toward the object, then recede. Toward the object a little further, then recede. Finally, allow the energy to flow entirely into the object, and keep that flow going for as long as you feel comfortable, strong, and in control of your thoughts. Just as with the meditation, the breathing part is necessary. Nice, long breaths as you pull in the energy of the sea of potential, activate it, and send your intent back out into that same field. When you feel you have finished (which is usually as long as you can hold the thought), begin closure with a statement that indicates the desire belongs to you in the present. Be sure your words are filled with emotional success—that you “feel” positive, joyful, happy. Finish with your original statements: “The sea of potential is all around me. The sea of potential is in me. The sea of potential is around me and to me, and I can do anything! So mote it be!” Complete the magickal operation by drawing an equal-armed cross in the air over the items to seal the working. Dispose of or continue to monitor (whatever the working calls for) the items you empowered.
Setting Your Hands
No Matter What I Lay My Hands Upon, It Will Be So
Your hands are always filled with power and the abil
ity to push energy away from you or pull energy toward you. Most people don’t think of them as magickal vehicles or tools, yet every time you touch something you take a little of that something into yourself and leave a little of yourself behind. Whenever you lay your hands on any object in magick—be it a string, dried herbs, a sigil, petition, or your tools—that item begins to absorb your energy. What energy it takes into itself is a combination of a variety of factors, including the vibratory pattern of the object itself. Just laying your hands on any item begins the blending process.
If you don’t carry the thoughts through coupled with matching action, there is little force behind the touch. For example, you don’t really think about your relationship with the thousands of objects you touch each day: a water glass, the steering wheel of your car, the door you open to the grocery store, etc. What separates this type of touch and the handling of objects in spellwork is your focused intention. The thoughts that you impregnate into that magickal object—including visualizations, images, whispered words, etc.—can be combined to direct and create the pattern to manifestation of your desire, which you then activate with the flow of energy. Using the object as part of the process is one type of empowerment.
When you work with your hands in magick based on intent, this is called “setting your hands.” Anytime you work with your hands, you want to set those hands on the spell vehicle with extremely clear intent that is not clouded by negative thoughts or muddled emotions. In this book we use the sea of potential to activate a working, while your hands push and distribute intent into the herbs and powders. The energy naturally runs from the sea of potential into yourself, and your hands guide that energy. Many people get lost in thinking that they must have a wand or an athame or a sword to direct the energy, and that is fine; however, next to your mind, your most important magickal tool is your hands!