The Witching Hour Page 11
The most important part of this technique is not to strain or be judgmental in what you are seeing. Just go with it. Nothing is “supposed” to be there.
While you are doing the meditation/visualization, it is important that you not be disturbed and that you are mindful of what nature is trying to tell you. She may send a slight breeze across your face (the person needs help from the air element to move things along) or several bees might be in your space (this person is dealing with a group of individuals who are trying to change a structure of some kind) or a loud ruckus with the neighbor’s cat drifts toward you from the neighbor’s yard (someone is on the attack), etc. These are added benefits to the meditation/visualization itself and allow animals and insects to speak to you by their actions.
This type of working is very shamanic and intuitive. Don’t worry that you don’t have any experience. That isn’t important, as nature speaks to all of us all the time. No one person is better than another; all are gifted.
You must only awaken the gift by acknowledging it.
Measuring Herbal Ingredients for Your Magickal Powders or Herbal Blends
There are two ways to measure herbal ingredients for your powder or herbal blend formulas: formally or informally. The number of ingredients (herbal or specialty) in any magickal powder varies; however, in a formal recipe one measures the totality of the whole, always factoring to one. Much like the Eye of Horus, which is an ancient Egyptian mathematical formula for measuring parts of herbs for healing purposes, so too the magickal powder is also a numeric pattern that should always equal one of the measurements (dry or liquid). For example, if you use eight herbs for a particular formula, you may wish to use eight 1⁄8 teaspoons of each herb, thus equaling 8⁄8 or one whole. If you want to follow the older formulas, using our example of eight ingredients, you will use seven 1⁄8 teaspoons of seven herbs with the last 1⁄8 dedicated to Spirit, which could be an unusual ingredient such as ashes or powdered stone. To make this clear, let us say we have selected three herbs to use in our magickal powder. We would use ¼ teaspoon of each herb; the last ¼ teaspoon, a specialty ingredient that is dedicated to Spirit, makes up the whole of one. This is a formal measuring technique.
The informal measuring technique relies more on your own intuition as well as the availability of ingredients. This type of measuring is how my grandmother cooked when I was a child. Over the years, my grandmother learned how much to put in her recipes simply by feel. To her, this type of measuring was a dash, a pinch, a sprinkle, or a cupped hand. She went by her experience and what felt right to produce the most magnificent dishes.
If you want to use a divination mechanism for making a quick choice on a herb, you can use a binary method such as a black stone that stands for no and a white stone that means yes. The stones should be close to the same size and shape. Put the stones in a bag along with eyebright herb and frankincense. When you wish a yes or no answer on a particular ingredient, choose a stone from the bag. This simple divinatory tool can assist in the informal measuring process, especially if you are hesitant about making the right choice.
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1. The Compact Oxford English Dictionary, second edition (NY: Oxford University Press, 1999), 316, sections 742 and 743.
2. Ibid.
3. For those interested in the galbanum resin, I found the following link: (There are others. Research. Enjoy!)
4. Paracelsus, Paracelsus: Selected Writings, 43.
5. Kieckhefer, Magic in the Middle Ages, 64, 65.
6. Davis, America Bewitched, 27.
7. See
8. Dalai Lama, The Universe in a Single Atom, 89.
chapter three
Magickal Timing
Of all the techniques I have learned over the years, using magickal timing in my spiritual work has proven the most beneficial. Yes, I had to study. Yes, I had to experiment. Yes, it took a little time to master.
Yes, it was absolutely worth it.
The wonderful thing about learning magickal timing is that you can use a lot or a little; the choice is entirely up to you. There will be situations in your life where you will want to be spot-on with time, and there will be other instances where you intuitively know that a great deal of planning isn’t necessary—that the window of opportunity is right to get the magickal show on the road because you feel it is accurate. Neither technique is wrong, and the proof is in your successes.
Timing for Mixing Powders or Making Herbal Blends
Many practitioners gather, grind, and blend their powders or herbal mixes in a ritual environment according to the phases and signs of the moon, planetary hours, or daily correspondences. Generally, in moon lore powders and herbs blended to draw things toward you should be mixed at the new or waxing moons. Powders and herbal mixes for banishment and protection should be ground during the waning moon. Powders for exorcism and strong spiritual cleansings should be prepared on the first day of the dark moon, with the remaining time used for a period of rest (although individual tastes or training can change any of the above definitions).
The first astrological building block for many magickal practitioners involves the phases or quarters of the moon. Throughout the year each full cycle of the moon will carry a specific theme for you. This theme changes depending on your current life path, goals, the time you were born, and what is going on in the heavens at present. When you pay attention to the cycles of the moon, whether you are working with the quarters (the four-division moon cycle template most often used in general almanacs) or the phases (the eight-division template that is a favorite with many magickal practitioners), even the most difficult times can be utilized in an empowering, more spiritual way. The phases of the moon are based on mathematical calculations based on the relation between the moon and the sun. It’d be good if at the exact moment of each of these calculation tipping points some sort of outside event occurs or there is a heavenly bell ringing somewhere in the aether, but that’s not the case. Mathematically, the universe is an extremely busy place, and outside events are affected by the demarcations of a bazillion things (okay, so that’s an exaggeration, but you get the point). The information that follows is my take on the phases of the moon, how you might be affected by the moon’s influence, and how to use what you have at the time to create your magick.
Phases of the Moon
New Moon
The new moon occurs when the moon is 0 to 45 degrees directly ahead of the sun, and its time span for the calculation of activities is from the point of the new moon (0 degrees) to approximately three and a half days after. The new moon is a power point. Here the moon rises at dawn and sets at sunset. Traditionally this time is seen as one of beginnings and starting new projects; however, the actual seed work of any project should have been done two days before the new moon (see Balsamic Moon information). At the new moon we gather the supplies to creatively push forward on the seeds we planted. This is an excellent time for a Spirit Walk, pathworking meditations, and affirmation building. Usually, the theme of this moon cycle will present itself to you within the first twenty-four hours of the new moon. The meaning of the “theme of the month” is colored by the sign the moon is in as well as her association with any planets in this three-and-a-half-day period.
It is important to listen to your inner dialogue and feelings during this time and to release past failures related to any ongoing project that you wish to add to or move forward on for which you have found new and creative inspiration that will lead you in a needed different direction. In Braucherei many practitioners look forward to the sunrise of the new moon with great anticipation, as this energy can be directed to influence one’s life in positive ways. Modern practitioners make nine new moon wishes, writing down what they desire in a journal or conduc
ting some type of spell or rite to complement their nine wishes. It is interesting to look through your past work, usually at year-end, and review what your wishes were each month and if they manifested or not—or whether you have changed in your desire for those things. Observations on what did not come to pass help you to more fully understand your spiritual path and your abilities. This is not a negative analysis. More often than not you may find yourself saying, “Wow! I am so glad that did not happen!” And you may see in other months where you changed your wording and direction, which resulted in what you actually received.
At sunset on the first full day of the new moon, you should be able to see the sliver of moon on the horizon; this “time in between,” this twilight, is a pipeline of opportunity leading to wherever you wish it to go. This is the time to guide your energies toward what type of possibilities you believe you need to fulfill your desires. Consider conducting a sacred ceremony geared at calling these specific opportunities to you. Sprinkle Honor powder on the ground just as the sun sets and you can see the moon. I particularly like to make my road opener powders and candles approximately two hours before this phase ends and the next begins.
Many times students will say to me, “I know it is the new moon and I should be starting this project, but I really feel like letting go of things, and I know that those activities are usually reserved ritually for other phases of the moon. Yet I feel compelled to do a full spiritual cleansing and other release activity such as cleaning out my garage.” My response is always this: have at it! Move with your inner compass. Your navigation system is telling you that your life is too cluttered and that it is necessary to remove negativity and unwanted energies that will hinder your life path. Follow your inner guide. Listen to your feelings. Near the end of this period you will feel opportunity coming. Every month has something special; look for it.
This moon phase begins with a conjunction (power) and ends with a sextile (opportunity).
Crescent Moon
The crescent moon rises at mid-morning and sets after sunset. The moon moves from a sextile to the sun, a glittering point of magickal opportunity, to a square (required adjustment). Use this time to attract open pathways, ideas, and assistance from the universe. In this phase the moon moves from 45 to 90 degrees ahead of the sun. This period of influence lasts approximately three and a half days as well. If you want to get really precise, pull out your almanac and a set of differently colored highlighters and go through the year, highlighting all the sun/moon combinations.
Each moon cycle (from new to new) you will have one conjunction (the new moon), two sextiles, two trines (assistance), one opposition (the full moon), and two squares; this dialogue between the moon and the sun are points of energy that can be used in a variety of ways. As a rule of thumb, the greatest power days are the new moon and the full moon, the opportunity days are those where the moon and the sun are in sextile, the days where things will move forward easily are the trines, and the days where adjustments need to be made in your plans in order for fulfillment to occur are the two squares. In a magickal nutshell this means you have two power days, two opportunity days, two easy days, and two change/adjustment days to work within magickal planning. Again, go with your gut. These guidelines are just that: guidelines.
Students become confused with this type of planning because they think an event will happen right at the precise time of, let’s say, the moon sextile the sun (that opportunity period). However, the universe does not run by sun and moon alone; therefore, a corresponding event in the physical world associated with any particular planetary dialogue typically comes at least twelve hours before the exact alignment. Depending upon the universal conversation, this window narrows or expands. However, in magickal timing we take the average, which means that working anywhere in the twelve-hour period before the alignment can render the benefits you need. If you work after the alignment, though, you missed the bus. In timing with the moon—meaning we want to catch the full power of, let’s say, a full moon—our window to do the magick is usually two hours before the event. However, a single dialogue between the moon and another planet lasts only about two hours, so you might want to take that into consideration in your magickal work and, just as with the previous caution, do the work before the exact dialogue, not after.
Back to the crescent moon phase: here you will most likely enjoy some type of external assistance, which could be anything from advice to general information to a gift that will enhance your progress. Your sea of potential exercise done during this phase should result in excellent strides forward; if it does not, there is release work to be done. This moon phase is definitely a time to let go of your fears and bravely move forward. Self-empowerment work does very well during this time. Outside influences will also occur at the end of the crescent moon phase or at the beginning of the first quarter phase (not to be confused with the first quarter moon of the four-cycle system); however, this energy will in some way require that you make an adjustment. For example, you may realize that your research is lacking in some way and you need to look for more detailed information or your child loses or breaks a part of a project you are working on or you might experience a delay because you have to take the cat to the vet. If you look at these adjustments as opportunities for change in and of themselves that are necessary for you to reach your desired goal (and you somehow missed them in the planning portion of your work), they aren’t so hard to deal with. Frustration gains nothing. Perception is everything.
Therefore, the first week of the new moon contains two phases, the new moon and the crescent moon. Here is where your creativity really begins to blossom with great ideas, new ways of practice that will enhance your work, gathering and studying new research, etc. This type of activity will flow into your life if you allow it. Again, just as with the new moon, the sign(s) the moon is in during this time period will influence and flavor your experience. Expect opportunities at the beginning and adjustments near the end, and you are ready to go!
Use the energy toward the end of this phase to make aura cleansing powder, good spirits powder, forgiveness powder, debt recovery powder, dreams and visions powder, guardian angel powder, grief relief powder, wishes powder, white owl wisdom powder, and any blessing powders or herbal blends. This timing is merely a recommendation. I prefer to use the phase and the moon in the signs, which may not always correspond to the above guidelines.
If you want to catch the rise of this moon, begin your work at noon. To grab the setting energy, use midnight.
This moon phase begins with a sextile (opportunity) and ends with a square (adjustment).
First Quarter Moon
The first quarter phase (not to be confused with the first quarter of the four-division system) is when the moon moves from 90 degrees to 135 degrees ahead of the sun. It opens with the required adjustment energy and closes with a “full steam ahead” attitude. We are now into our second week of the cycle; this is a time for pushing forward and applying your talents. Problems only arise in this phase if you have been ignoring messages from the universe or if you have somehow jumped the track of your original desires or have been mishandling the energy available to you in some way. Here, you are creating the first layers or levels of a project, and often you will feel like sparks really can fly from your fingertips! This is a go-go-go time unless it is inhibited by your own thoughts and actions. Midway through, the energy just flows—here is the time to do the magick to help push any project forward for success.
Powders and herbal blends made here are usually designed for all manner of attraction from money to motivation, fast healing, abundance, and general success. In this phase you are often committed to getting as much done as you possibly can, and you may find yourself totally immersed in a project. Without realizing it, you will be motoring through past fears and doubts, leaving them in the dust as you forge ahead. Let your creativity flow. During this time you may look through your notes and feel the urge t
o create a powder or blend you’ve been thinking about. Many fluid condensers can be brewed at this time as well, depending upon the moon in the signs and other astrological dialogue.
Near the end of the phase you will feel absolutely magnetic with ideas, people, things, animals, and events. You can feel “the draw” within you. When you hit that emotional high, that’s the time to do the attraction magick. Check the signs the moon is in for your greatest navigational success.
This phase opens with a square (adjustment) and ends with a trine (ease).
Gibbous Moon
The moon rises in midafternoon, sets around three in the morning, and moves from 135 degrees to 180 degrees ahead of the sun. A time advantageous to detail work and personal growth, this is where you apply the new information you learned in the previous phases and use those ideas to enhance yourself or current projects. Group work is heightened at this time, and the exchange of energy, creativity, and ideas will push any project or organization forward. Now is a good opportunity to work with a magickal partner or family members on agreed-upon goals. This phase opens with a trine (ease), ends with an opposition (needed changes for balance), and performs particularly well when you realize that with the opposition you stand in the middle; all you need to do is balance the energy. The opposition is the full moon, and the twelve-hour period before it (which falls in the gibbous phase) can be an extremely active time. Your hands may literally pulse with power, a signal that you should be directing the energy in positive ways. Clarity of purpose often accompanies this phase. Powders and blends for divination, intuitive thinking, and wisdom can be very useful at this time (either to create or to employ in your magicks). In this time of solidification of power, make powders for healing (skin growth, wound closure, etc.). If this is a lunar eclipse moon, the effects of workings last longer (three to six months).